In the News
Stories and trends changing the healthcare landscape
The Biggest U.S. Health Care Challenges Are Management Challenges
Findings indicate it is not competition but internal change management as the largest hurdle as healthcare shifts from volume based to value based health care. From our point of view, It is not just strong leadership to steer the ship but also timely incentives. Proving value takes time, while volume rewards are fast. Read the story
Next Generation ACO
CMS’s Next Generation ACO’s – “allows participants to take on more financial risk with more predictable financial targets and the potential to obtain a greater reward.” – and continues to keep the focus on quality of care over quantity of care. Read the article
Year 1 of Bundled Payments Results showing some promise
Initial Results are in on CMS Bundled Payments Year 1. Lower lengths of stay. Reduced utilization of skilled nursing facilities substituted for home health, all resulting in for overall cost of care. Both ER and readmissions rose initially, and then fell to the baseline rates. Read the article
Google Analytics & Healthcare
Google and the power of their analytics, combined with healthcare providers has the potential to redefine not just health information, but also health care. Read the article
Wellness vs Well-Being
Is the industry starting to recognize the difference between short term incentives vs true lifestyle changes? Read the article
A smooth launch makes a difference.
Healthcare start up heat map
A Website that provides a visual map of start ups by industry – additional details and link to a healthcare start up map included. Read the article
Health Plans and Bundled Payments
Bundled payments, not just for CMS innovation. Health plans have been incorporating oncology into their bundled payment programs. Read the article
Framework for Analytic Storytelling
To influence change in healthcare, providing influential information through data is a must. Great article for “Anyone trying to master the art of analytical storytelling…needs a framework for understanding the different kinds of stories that data and analytics can tell” Read the article
Data Visualization
Now more than ever, providing simple insight on complex data is becoming crucial in healthcare. Providing a single page visual with advanced data visualization (ADV) is an effective approach. As organizations work to build or expand ADV capabilities, this blog provides great ways to organize, plan and understand the structure required. Read the article