Our Expertise
Proven experience backed by 20 years of success in the healthcare industry
Product/Service Development
Market/Product Evaluation & Launch
Prospective Sales
Product Performance
Healthcare Analytics
& Metrics
Value & Savings Model
Trends & Forecast
Opportunity Analysis
Clinical Quality
Utilization Management
Quality Measures: HEDIS, Stars, etc.
Episode Grouping, Post Acute Care
Risk Arrangements
Care Bundles
ACO, Capitation
Network Risk and Shared Savings Agreements
Healthcare Cost Management
Quality & Affordability
Payment Integrity & Claim Accuracy
Claim Process and Scalability
Operational Insight
KPI, Capacity, Scalability
Staffing Models, Forecasting
Process Improvement
Our proven approach delivers continuous product transformation and improvement.
- Real-World Experience – Our consulting leaders average 20 years of experience in the corporate world. All have real-world corporate experience partnering with health plans, pharmacy and specialty benefits management firms, as well as providers.
- Analytically-Driven – We bring proven experience in driving analytically-based innovation, strategy and operational excellence. Our clients trust us to make a difference.
- Streamlined Approach – We understand that consultant-driven complication is not what you need. You’re looking for someone with a streamlined approach who can jump in and run with it.
- Strategy, Execution, and Measurement – Our deep analytics expertise and industry expertise give us the ability to determine the best approach, execute on the plan, and measure the results.